Is the YES SUPPLY METHOD accredited? How many tests will I need to complete to become certified? In which format is the YES SUPPLY METHOD delivered?Are you Currently Offering In-Person Trainings? How long does it take to complete the Certification? What do I receive upon completing the YES SUPPLY METHOD & receiving my certifications?Who is the YES SUPPLY METHOD for?What's the difference between the In-Person/Virtual Interactive training & the Online training?What can I expect in the Master Coach & Practitioner course? What bonus courses are included in the YES SUPPLY METHOD? What type of support will I receive as a YSM student?What can I expect after I enroll?What if I’m unable to attend the group coaching calls? I have a degree in Psychology, can I move forward to the YSM Master Coach & Practitioner program? Will I receive access to Reese? Does the YSM Coach & Practitioner certification also include content on biz strategy? Can you tell me more about the successful students who have completed the YSM?